Monday, June 14, 2010

Turnover Update

Dear Friends and fellow condo owners,
We had a great turnover meeting Sunday evening. I feel enormously lucky to work with such a quality group of people. Everyone was patient, respectful and involved, despite the hot stuffy room. Our successes thus far:
1. 68 owners (54 confirmed with deeds) showed up to literally pack the house.
2. There was more than enough food for everyone which, to me, is an indicator of a great group of people.
3. We established that the current HOA board did not attend and could not provide copies of prior meeting minutes or budget reports. Nor did the current HOA Secretary appear to take minutes of the meeting.
4. We had twelve volunteers and nominees for the seven board of director positions.
5. Although there was no quorum, we held a preliminary vote so that the ballots may be counted during the adjournment meeting (6/5 at 7pm) should an adjournment quorum (65 owners) be in attendance.
6. I think we reached an understanding that this is not a "takover attempt" by a few cranks and complainers. This process is required by Oregon's condominium statutes and those of us who have invested so much in the process simply seek to preserve all our interests.

Please leave your comments.

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